Wednesday 2 June 2010

I'm getting there

Just in the last week I feel like I have turned a corner. I finally feel like I can trust my leg again and not feel like I will fall apart if I run too fast or too long. Today I clocked the grand total of 72 mins, and hope to run twice tomorrow. It has been some 12 weeks now since I did the injury and I am far from fit. I am really looking forward to banking some decent miles again having just clocked 35 miles in each of the last 2 weeks. I am keen to start double daying again and have some nice lung buster sessions to do.

If all goes to plan I am now focused on doing the Sunderland 10k, then the Great North, followed by the Chicago marathon. I will be far from fit in Sunderland, but it will be nice to have a blow out and find how much work I need to do.

If you are injured and feeling frustrated I have found it really does help to look at the bigger picture, and to take time to do things you don't usually get round to doing.